Personal escort services or bodyguards are Special Security Units that have the ability to self-defense, rescue both clients and people. Personal escorts are usually intended for special security, such as escorting state guests, escorting celebrities, government officials, and so on.
In essence, VIP Guards or Bodyguards are able to provide a sense of security and comfort and are able to overcome the problems faced. This personal escort provides extra security while giving the user a more elegant appearance. In addition, the main purpose or function in using personal escort services is to minimize disruption to the security of life around the client.
Security for an event especially, medium and large scale events is the most important thing. What’s more, the event targets a large number of visitors. The large number of visitors also increases the security risk of the event. An event requires a security system that will guard the event from unwanted things. For this reason, the event committee or event organizer must prepare elements of event security that suit their needs.
bodyguard services for residential areas are also very necessary to anticipate criminal acts both from outside and inside. In addition, it can provide a sense of security and provide a sense of comfort, and become part of the social environment that also interacts with residents.
Security in housing is full security or 24 hours and is carried out by a minimum of 3 personnel who work alternately (shifts). However, usually there are also those who provide options for the security system, whether at certain times such as at night or during Eid, events such as weddings, and so on.
Personal escort services or bodyguards are Special Security Units that have the ability to self-defense, rescue both clients and people.
Personal escorts are usually intended for special security, such as escorting state guests, escorting celebrities, government officials, and so on.
In essence, VIP Guards or Bodyguards are able to provide a sense of security and comfort and are able to overcome the problems faced.
This personal escort provides extra security while giving the user a more elegant appearance. In addition, the main purpose or function in using personal escort services is to minimize disruption to the security of life around the client.
Security for an event especially, medium and large scale events is the most important thing. What’s more, the event targets a large number of visitors. The large number of visitors also increases the security risk of the event.
An event requires a security system that will guard the event from unwanted things. For this reason, the event committee or event organizer must prepare elements of event security that suit their needs.
Security services for residential areas are also very necessary to anticipate criminal acts both from outside and inside. In addition, it can provide a sense of security and provide a sense of comfort, and become part of the social environment that also interacts with residents.
Security in housing is full security or 24 hours and is carried out by a minimum of 3 personnel who work alternately (shifts). However, usually there are also those who provide options for the security system, whether at certain times such as at night or during Eid, events such as weddings, and so on.
Such personal security usually requires special skills. At least tactical, intelligent, intellectual at the undergraduate level so that he can serve and keep pace with the needs of clients.
Bodyguard Education As a high-risk business, companies must provide personnel who are trained and prepared to deal with hazards. However, because the owners of security companies are usually only business people, of course they do not have technical expertise, the company cooperates with the police or military, one of which is the Indonesian Army.