The Effects Of Having A Nasty Credit Score

However, you could get the possibility to have your credit limit elevated after enough accountable use, and this card even enables you to pick your credit card cost due date. The Journey Student Rewards from Capital One is geared to college students and different people with “fair” credit, which usually means anybody with a FICO score within the 580 to 669 vary. This card does not charge an annual fee, yet you may earn a flat 1.25 {791cf634350853aa929d899ac26203c48570d222f34b0095e87afe5e9b20c495} again each month you pay your bank card bill on time. If you do not pay your invoice on time, you will earn a flat 1 p.c again in rewards.

Note that, while you might begin off with a low credit limit with this card, Capital One will routinely consider raising your restrict after six months and 6 on-time bank card payments. Keep in thoughts that, after we’re speaking about gasoline cards …