Develop a Vision for You and Your Business

Did you every wonder if man would have reached the moon if we did not see it?
Could an athlete win a race if they could not see or imagine the finish line?
Could a mountain climber reach the top of the summit if he/she never actually saw it?
What do they all have in common? – A goal, vision, target,an image that inspires and excites them into action.
Children have an amazing ability to dream and make it reality. As we get older, that ability to dream and be creative is diminished. Education and business tells us, “Don’t be wrong”, “Don’t take a chance”. If you are not willing to take a chance, you will never be creative; you will never come up with any imaginative ideas.
For this reason it is very important that we spend time dreaming, imagining, thinking about what we want in the future. As …