The Erasing of a Financial Crisis

To many, the mark of the beginning of the financial crisis was on March 16, 2008 when Bear Stearns was sold to Chase at a fire-sale price. The Dow Jones closed that day at 11,951.09 and continued to charge downward for the next year.
As I write this, the Dow Jones is at 12,821.25.
I often tell people that I think that the general public perception is that the stock market is still down in the dumps. For some reason, the media seems to have missed out on a massive headline: Market Losses Caused during the Financial Crisis Erased! This is astounding. It’s only been four years and the largest economies of the earth went to the brink of ruin, we were in a complete liquidity crisis, the various currencies risked devaluation, and public confidence was at a historical low (certainly the lowest in 80 years). The stock market summarily …